Funny How Did We Meet Lie Facebook Status

Make up a lie about how we met


I would like everyone to comment on this post about how you met me. But, since you haven't..... I want you to LIE. That's right. Just make it up. I need to laugh today....



  • sarasotatim

    Met you in our Ancient Hungarian Basketweaving class.....remember, I was the one in the back wearing ripped jeans and listening to an iPod lol

  • Awineburg

    We met at sea... we sailed to America on that giant rubber ducky that we made from shoes. We were escaping from the Langoleers mm hmm thats right. Good ol' time :)

  • KickassYas

    i'll never forget it! you cut me off and I chased you for about 5 miles down the freeway like we were formula one racers. i've never seen so many profanities fly out of one woman before! you're wild! :D

  • CanongateRob

    We met on the Titantic, 10 minutes before it capsized.

  • lrodriguez83

    You remember that pole dancing class you took???? I was the last girl to attempt the pole and ended up laid out on the floor....
    I had the pink stilettos on that lit up when I walked!

  • KellieR56

    Hey, I don't know if you remember me, but I met you in the back of the police car. I was already in the car for trespassing, but they picked you up because you were streaking in public.

  • FearAnLoathing

    I met you this one time at band camp.....

  • ZebraHead

    Megan, you remember!! It was at the Lonely Pony male strip club. You had a few too many singapore slings and keep stuffing quarters in my G-String.

    Thanks for a memorable evening.

    PS - I still jingle when I walk.

  • ♥Faerie♥

    We met in the rabbit hole, you remember, you were wondering around the secret garden, trying to find a hiding place from your ex boyfriend that somehow thought when you told him it was over, that you really meant get over here, and has been following you every since yelling, "why did you tell me to get over here if all you do is keep moving around!",
    so you feel into the rabbit hole, and there I was, a true life Faerie, staring madly back at you......You were startled at first, until you realized I possessed the power to turn your ex boyfriend into a babbling pile of troll dung....
    And we have been friends ever since......
    The End

  • sarasotatim

    I met you this one time at band camp.....

    Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread, but +1 for the band camp comment!!!!!! lmao

  • BoxingChick

    I found your phone number in a bathroom for a good time!! lol

  • Ananke65

    I met you this one time at band camp.....

    Sorry didn't mean to hijack the thread, but +1 for the band camp comment!!!!!! lmao

    +2 for band camp (those were some good times)

    We also shared a jail cell some years later

  • thechurchlady

    it was a dark and stormy night...

  • Mrs_McFadden

    You just don't want to admit when we met because that's when you discovered my mad skillz equaled your own multiple deaths in COD. When we met you were just an easy target and I sliced through your newb butt like butter. But it's all good now because you laid into me over voice and all the dudes thought you were hawt and started flirting with you because they're relentless like that you added me to your friends list. :) .

  • binary_jester

    "I can't remember how we met, but that clucking chicken is making my hangover worse."

  • Mrs_McFadden

    P.S. We're both Mc's so we're related duh.

  • JillyBean819

    I would like everyone to comment on this post about how you met me. But, since you haven't..... I want you to LIE. That's right. Just make it up. I need to laugh today....


    We met in prison. You welcomed me on my first day to prison by shanking me in my back with a toothbrush that you filed down and shaved to resemble a pointy spike. Since then we've been BFF's.

    You asked us to lie, but I figured I tell the truth and let everyone know that you are ruthless and you are an ex-con.

  • sarasotatim

    You just don't want to admit when we met because that's when you discovered my mad skillz equaled your own multiple deaths in COD. When we met you were just an easy target and I sliced through your newb butt like butter. But it's all good now because you laid into me over voice and all the dudes thought you were hawt and started flirting with you because they're relentless like that you added me to your friends list. :) .

    Wooohoo hello fellow COD player!! Hellz yeah for Double XP Weekend! lol

  • PeachyKeene

    In the parking lot at the Winn-Dixie. Remember that is where we all use to hang when we were in high school?

  • newman84


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